IIIT Theory Reading Group: Seminar Saturdays

Fuzzy Set Theory

Traditional View

Uncertainity is undesirable in science and should be avoided by all possible means

Alternate or Modern View

uncertainity is unavoidable and posseses some utility

"No data processing system, whether artificial or living, can process more than 2×10472 \times 10^{47} bits per second per gram of its mass." - Bremermann's Limit

Crisp Set

The characteristic function(χA\chi_{A}) of a crisp set(AA) maps all members of the universal set(XX) to {0,1}\{0, 1\}

XA:X{0,1}\Chi_A: X \rightarrow \{0, 1\}

XA(x)={1  xA0  x∉A\Chi_A(x) = \begin{cases} 1 \; \forall x \in A\\ 0 \; \forall x \not\in A\\ \end{cases}

Fundamental Properties of Crisp Set Operations

A,B,CP(X)A, B, C \in P(X)


A=A\overline{\overline{A}} = A


AB=BAAB=BAA \cap B = B \cap A\\ A \cup B = B \cup A


A(BC)=(AB)CA(BC)=(AB)CA \cap (B \cap C) = (A \cap B) \cap C\\ A \cup (B \cup C) = (A \cup B) \cup C\\


A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C)\\ A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C)\\


AA=AAA=AA \cup A = A\\ A \cap A = A

Absorption by XX and ϕ\phi

AX=XAϕ=ϕA \cup X = X\\ A \cap \phi = \phi


Aϕ=AAX=AA \cup \phi = A\\ A \cap X = A

Law of Contradiction

AA=ϕA \cap \overline{A} = \phi

Law of Excluded Middle

AA=XA \cup \overline{A} = X

De Morgan's Laws

AB=ABAB=AB\overline{A \cap B} = \overline{A} \cup \overline{B}\\ \overline{A \cup B} = \overline{A} \cap \overline{B}

Boolean Lattice

  • Elements of P(X)P(X) can be partially ordered using set inclusion \subseteq

  • This lattice is distributive and complemented


A family of pairwise disjoin subsets of AA is called a parition on A if the union of these subsets yeilds the original set A.

π(A)={AiiI,AiA}\pi(A) = \{A_i | i \in I, A_i \subseteq A\}\\

iAiϕ\forall i A_i \neq \phi\\

i,jAiAj=ϕ\forall i, j A_i \cap A_j = \phi\\

iIAi=A\bigcup_{i \in I} A_i = A

All AiA_i are called blocks of the partition.

π1(A)\pi_1(A) is a refinement of π2(A)\pi_2(A) iff

Aiπ1(A)  Ajπ2(A)    AiAj\forall A_i \in \pi_1(A) \; \exists A_j \in \pi_2(A) \; \; A_i \subseteq A_j

This refinement relation (\leq) forms a partial ordering over the set of all partitions of AA ((A)\prod(A))

The pair ((A),\langle \prod(A), \leq \rangle) is called the partition lattice of AA

Nested Family

Let A={A1,...,An}\mathcal{A} = \{A_1, ..., A_n\} be a family such that AiAji=1,2,...,n1A_i \subseteq A_j \forall i = 1, 2, ..., n-1

  • A\mathcal{A} is called a nested family
  • A1A_1 is called the innermost set
  • AnA_n is called the outermost set

Supremum and Infimum

Let RRR \subseteq \mathcal{R}

  • If r  xR  xrupper_bound(R)=r\exists r \; \forall x \in R \; x \leq r \rightarrow upper\_bound(R) = r
  • If s  xR  xslower_bound(R)=s\exists s \; \forall x \in R \; x \geq s \rightarrow lower\_bound(R) = s
  • Upper bound rr is the supremum iff no other upperbound is less than r=supRr = sup R
  • Lower bound ss is the infimum iff no other lowerbound is greater than s=infRs = inf R

Fuzzy Sets: Basic Types

The charracteristic function can be generalized such that values assigned can fall within a specified range(usually [0,1][0, 1]) indicating membership grades of the elements in the set in question.

The membership function of a fuzzy set AA can be denoted by AA itself or μA\mu_A. We use the former.

A:X[0,1]A: X \rightarrow [0, 1]

XX is always a crisp set

  • Fuzzy sets allow us to describe vague concepts expressed in natural language. Although these are often dependent on concepts.

  • Even for similar concepts, fuzzy sets may vary considerably while being similar in a few key features.

  • Fuzzy sets usually represent linguistic concepts such as low, medium and high and are used to define states of variables called fuzzy variables

  • [Paradox] Data based on fuzzy variables provide us with more accurate evidence about real world phenomena than data based on crisp variables


Fuzzy set A={xx is a real numbers close to 2}A = \{x|x \text{ is a real numbers close to }2\}


Ordinary Fuzzy Sets

Given universal set XX, an ordinary fuzzy set AA is defined by a membership funtion of the form

A:X[0,1]A: X \rightarrow [0, 1]

  • also called type 1 and level 1 sets

Interval-valued Fuzzy Sets

If suppose you cannot pick between a definite real value to express the membership grade of an element, and you're only able to identify lower and upper bounds of the membership grade, we have two options

  • Discard the uncertainity, pick the middle maybe to be the grade

  • Accept the uncertainity and include it in the definition of the membership function

A:Xξ([0,1])A: X \rightarrow \xi([0, 1])


where ξ([0,1])\xi([0, 1]) denotes the family of all closed intervals of real numbers in [0,1][0, 1]

ξ([0,1])P([0,1])\xi([0, 1]) \subset P([0,1])

  • They allow you to express uncertainity in choosing the membership function
  • Computationally more demanding

Fuzzy sets of Type 2

Upon further generelization, intervals can also be fuzzy sets (ordinary)

A:XF([0,1])A: X \rightarrow \mathcal{F}([0, 1])


F([0,1])=\mathcal{F}([0, 1]) = set of all ordinary fuzzy sets that can be defined within [0,1[0,1 - fuzzy power set of [0,1][0, 1]

  • Have still greater expressive power, but are still more computationally demanding

Fyzzy Set of Type 3

When the membership grades assigned by type 2 fuzzy sets, are type 2 fuzzy sets themselves.

And so on...

L-Fuzzy Sets

Whem membership grades are represented by symbols of arbitriary set LL that is at least partially ordered

A:XLA: X \rightarrow L

Usually L is a lattice and L-fuzzy sets capture all other fuzzy sets so far

Level 2 Fuzzy Sets

Fuzzy set defined within a universal set whose elements are ordinary fuzzy sets

A:F(X)[0,1]A: \mathcal{F}(X) \rightarrow [0, 1]

  • used when elements of XX cannot be specified precisely

Level 3 Fuzzy Sets

  • Universal set consists of Level 2 Fuzzy Sets

and so on ...


Type 2 + Level 2

A:F(X)F([0,1])A: \mathcal{F}(X) \rightarrow \mathcal{F}([0, 1])

and many more ...


α\alpha-Cuts and Strong α\alpha-Cuts

Given fuzzy set AA defined on XX and any number α[0,1]\alpha \in [0,1]

α-Cut=αA={xA(x)α}\alpha\text{-Cut} = {}^{\alpha}A = \{x|A(x) \geq \alpha\}

strong α-Cut=α+A={xA(x)>α}\text{strong } \alpha\text{-Cut} = {}^{\alpha+}A = \{x|A(x) > \alpha\}

Level Set of A

The set of all α[0,1]\alpha \in [0,1] that represent distinct α\alpha-cuts of a AA

Λ(A)=[αx  A(x)=α]\Lambda(A) = [\alpha|\exists x \; A(x) = \alpha]

Total Ordering of α\alphas is inversely preserved by the set inclusion of the corresponding α\alpha-cuts and strong α\alpha-cuts

α1,α2[0,1],    α1>α2\forall \alpha_1, \alpha_2 \in [0,1], \; \; \alpha_1 > \alpha_2

α1Aα2A{}^{\alpha_1}A \subseteq {}^{\alpha_2}A

α1+Aα2+A{}^{\alpha_1+}A \subseteq {}^{\alpha_2+}A

  • both cuts form families of nested crisp sets

Support - S(A)S(A) or supp(A)=0+Asupp(A) = {}^{0+}A

Core - core(A)=1Acore(A) = {}^{1}A

Height - h(A)=supxXA(x)h(A) = \sup_{x \in X} A(x)

Normal - If h(A)=1h(A) = 1, AA is normal

Subnormal - If h(A)<1h(A) < 1


α\alpha-cuts of a convex fuzzy set must be convex for all α(0,1]\alpha \in (0, 1] in the classical sense

Theorm 1.1

A fuzzy set AA on R\mathcal{R} is convex iff

x1,x2R  λ[0,1]\forall x_1, x_2 \in \mathcal{R} \; \forall \lambda \in [0,1]

A(λx1+(1λ)x2)min[A(x1),A(x2)]A(\lambda x_1 + (1 - \lambda)x_2) \geq min[A(x_1), A(x_2)]

Cutworthy and Strong Cutworthy Property

Any property generelized from classical set theory into the domain of fuzzy set theory that is preserved in all α\alpha-cuts for α(0,1]\alpha \in (0, 1] in the classical sense is called a cutworthy property

If it is preserved in all strong α\alpha-cuts for α[0,1]\alpha \in [0, 1] then it is called strong cutworthy property)

Convexity is both cutworthy and strong cutworthy

Standard Fuzzy Set Operations

Standard Complement

xX    A(x)=1A(x)\forall x \in X \; \; \overline{A}(x) = 1 - A(x)

  • Equilibrium points - xx where A(x)=A(x)\overline{A}(x) = A(x)

Standard Intersection and Union

(AB)(x)=min[A(x),B(x)](A \cap B)(x) = min[A(x), B(x)]

(AB)(x)=max[A(x),B(x)](A \cup B)(x) = max[A(x), B(x)]

Set Inclusion

Given A,BF(X)A, B \in \mathcal{F}(X)

ABxX    A(x)B(x)A \subseteq B \Leftrightarrow \forall x \in X \; \; A(x) \leq B(x)

De Morgan Lattice

  • A Fuzzy powerset can be viewed as a lattice with standard fuzzy intersection and union playing the roles of meet and join respectively.

  • The lattice is distributed and complemented under the standard operations.

  • It satisfies all Boolean lattice properties except the law of contradiction and the law of excluded middle

  • F(X),\langle \mathcal{F}(X), \subseteq \rangle

Scalar Cardinality (or Sigma Count)

A=xXA(x)|A| = \sum_{x \in X} A(x)

Degree of Subsethood

S(A,B)=1A(AxXmax[0,A(x)B(x)])=ABAS(A, B) = \frac{1}{|A|}\left (|A| - \sum_{x \in X}max[0, A(x) - B(x)] \right ) = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A|}

Alternate Representation

  • only with finite support

A=a1/x1+a2/x2+...+an/xnA = a_1/x_1 + a_2/x_2 + ... + a_n/x_n

Where xi0+Ax_i \in {}^{0+}A and ai=A(xi)a_i = A(x_i)

When XX is countable A=i=1nai/xiA = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i/x_i or A=i=1ai/xiA = \sum_{i=1}^\infty a_i/x_i

else when XX is an interval of real numbers A=xA(x)/xA = \int_x A(x)/x

Interpret fuzzy set of XX with nn elements as an nn-dimensional unit cube

  • Whole cube represents F(X)\mathcal{F}(X)
  • Vertices represent P(X)\mathcal{P}(X)

Distance between Fuzzy Sets AA and BB could be

d(A,B)=xXA(x)B(x)d(A, B) = \sum_{x \in X} |A(x) - B(x)|

Probability distributions are fuzzy sets whose cardinality is 1

Theorm 2.1

Let A,BF(X)A, B \in \mathcal{F}(X) and α,β[0,1]\alpha, \beta \in [0,1], then

  1. α+AαA{}^{\alpha+}A \subseteq {}^{\alpha}A
  2. α<ββAαA\alpha < \beta \Rightarrow {}^{\beta}A \subseteq {}^{\alpha}A and β+Aα+A{}^{\beta+}A \subseteq {}^{\alpha+}A
  3. α(AB)=αAαB{}^{\alpha}(A \cap B) = {}^{\alpha}A \cap {}^{\alpha}B and α(AB)=αAαB{}^{\alpha}(A \cup B) = {}^{\alpha}A \cup {}^{\alpha}B
  4. α+(AB)=α+Aα+B{}^{\alpha+}(A \cap B) = {}^{\alpha+}A \cap {}^{\alpha+}B and α+(AB)=α+Aα+B{}^{\alpha+}(A \cup B) = {}^{\alpha+}A \cup {}^{\alpha+}B
  5. xα(A)=(1α)+A{}^{\alpha}(\overline{A}) = \overline{{}^{(1 - \alpha)+}A}
  • Properties 3 & 4 are cutworthy and strong cutworthy when applied to two sets or a finite number of sets because of the associativity of min and max

  • Property 2 indicates that the α\alpha cuts and strong α\alpha cuts form a monotonically decreasing set sequence wrt α\alpha \Leftrightarrow nested family of sets

  • Standard fuzzy complement is neither cutworthy or strong cutworthy

Maximum VS Supremum

If XX is a partially ordered set, and SS is a subset, then an element s0s_0 is the supremum of SS iff

  • ss0s \leq s_0 for all sSs \in S and
  • For all tXt \in X such that for all sSs \in S sts \leq t then s0ts_0 \leq t

An element mm is the maximum of SS iff

  • sms \leq m for all sSs \in S and
  • mSm \in S
  • If SS has a maximum, then the maximum will be the supremum

  • It is possible to have a supremum but not a maximum. Ex: set of all negative real numbers have no maximum but have a supremum(00)

  • If SS has a supremum ss, then ss is also the mazimum iff sSs \in S

  • If a particular set has both a supremum and a mazimum then they are the same

Theorm 2.2

Let AiF(X)A_i \in \mathcal{F}(X) for all iIi \in \mathcal{I}, where I\mathcal{I} is an index set. Then,

iIαAiα(iIAi)\bigcup_{i \in \mathcal{I}} {}^\alpha A_i \subseteq {}^\alpha \left ( \bigcup_{i \in \mathcal{I}} A_i \right ) and iIαAi=α(iIAi)\bigcap_{i \in \mathcal{I}} {}^{\alpha} A_i = {}^{\alpha} \left ( \bigcap_{i \in \mathcal{I}} A_i \right )

iIα+Ai=α+(iIAi)\bigcup_{i \in \mathcal{I}} {}^{\alpha+} A_i = {}^{\alpha+} \left ( \bigcup_{i \in \mathcal{I}} A_i \right ) and iIα+Aiα+(iIAi)\bigcap_{i \in \mathcal{I}} {}^{\alpha+} A_i \supseteq {}^{\alpha+} \left ( \bigcap_{i \in \mathcal{I}} A_i \right )

Theorm 2.3.

Let A,BF(X)A, B \in \mathcal{F}(X). Then, for all α[0,1]\alpha \in [0, 1]

  • ABαAαBA \subseteq B \Leftrightarrow {}^{\alpha}A \subseteq {}^{\alpha}B
  • ABα+Aα+BA \subseteq B \Leftrightarrow {}^{\alpha+}A \subseteq {}^{\alpha+}B
  • A=BαA=αBA = B \Leftrightarrow {}^{\alpha}A = {}^{\alpha}B
  • A=Bα+A=α+BA = B \Leftrightarrow {}^{\alpha+}A = {}^{\alpha+}B

Fuzzy set inclusion are both cutworthy and strong cutworthy

Theorm 2.4

For any AF(X)A \in \mathcal{F}(X), the following properties hold

αA=β<αβA=β<αβ+A{}^{\alpha}A = \bigcup_{\beta < \alpha} {}^{\beta} A = \bigcup_{\beta < \alpha} {}^{\beta+} A

αA=β<αβA=β<αβ+A{}^{\alpha}A = \bigcap_{\beta < \alpha} {}^{\beta} A = \bigcap_{\beta < \alpha} {}^{\beta+} A

Representation of Fuzzy Sets

αA=α.αA{}_{\alpha}A = \alpha . {}^{\alpha}A

A=αΛ(A)αAA = \bigcup_{\alpha \in \Lambda(A)} {}_{\alpha}A

Therefore, a fuzzy set can be represented by both their α\alpha-cuts and strong α\alpha-cuts

This representation of AA in terms of special fuzzy sets αA{}_\alpha A which are defined in terms of α\alpha-cuts of AA is usually referred to as a decomposition of AA

Operations On Fuzzy Sets

  • Functions that qualify as fuzzy intersections and fuzzy unions are usually referred to in the literature as t-norms and t-conorms, respectively.

  • Since the fuzzy complement, intersection, and union are not unique operations, contrary to their crisp counterparts, different functions may be appropriate to represent these operations
    in different contexts

Fuzzy Complements

Let AA be a fuzzy set. Let cAcA denote the fuzzy complement of AA of type cc.

  • cA(x)cA(x) can represent not only the degree to which xx belongs to cAcA but also the degree to which xx does not belong to AA

c:[0,1][0,1]c: [0,1] \rightarrow [0,1]

Axiomatic Skeleton of Fuzzy Complements

To produce meaningful fuzzy complements, function cc must satisfy at least the following two axiomatic requirements

  • Axiom c1. c(0)=1,c(1)=0\texttt{Axiom c1. } c(0) = 1, c(1) = 0

  • Axiom c2. a,b[0,1],ifab,  then  c(a)c(b)\texttt{Axiom c2. } \forall a, b \in [0, 1], if a \leq b, \; then \; c(a) \geq c(b)

Additional requirements can be added

  • Axiom c3. c\texttt{Axiom c3. } c is a continuous function

  • Axiom c2. c\texttt{Axiom c2. } c is involutive, which means a[0,1]  c(c(a))=a\forall a \in [0,1] \; c(c(a)) = a

Theorem 3.1. Let a function c:[0,1][0,1]c : [0, 1] \rightarrow [0, 1] satisfy Axioms c2 and c4. Then, cc also satisfies Axioms cl and c3, Moreover, cc must be a bijective function.


  • c1 - c2: Thresholding Type

c(a)={1at0a>tc(a) = \begin{cases} 1 & \forall a \leq t\\ 0 & \forall a > t \end{cases}


  • c1 - c3: Continuous

c(a)=12(1+cosπa)c(a) = \frac{1}{2}(1+\cos \pi a)


  • c1 - c4 Sugeno class

cλ(a)=1a1+λac_\lambda(a) = \frac{1-a}{1+\lambda a}

Where λ(1,)\lambda \in (-1, \infin)

Fuzzy Intersections

(AB)(x)=i[A(x),B(x)](A \cap B)(x) = i[A(x), B(x)]


i:[0,1]×[0,1][0,1]i:[0,1] \times [0,1] \rightarrow [0,1]

Axiomatic Skeleton for Fuzzy Intersection

  • Axiom il. i(a,1)=a\texttt{Axiom il. } i(a, 1) = a

  • Axiom i2. bd    i(a,b)i(a,d)\texttt{Axiom i2. } b \leq d \implies i (a, b) \leq i (a, d)

  • Axiom i3. i(a,b)=i(b,a)\texttt{Axiom i3. } i (a, b) = i (b, a)

  • Axiom i4. i(a,i(b,d))=i(i(a,b),d)\texttt{Axiom i4. } i (a, i (b, d)) = i (i (a, b), d)

Additional Requirements

  • Axiom i5. i\texttt{Axiom i5. }i is a continuous function
  • Axiom i6. i(a,a)a\texttt{Axiom i6. }i (a, a) \leq a
  • Axiom i7. a1<a2\texttt{Axiom i7. }a_1 < a_2 and b1<b2    i(a1,b1)<i(a2,b2)b_1 < b_2 \implies i(a_1, b_1) < i(a_2, b_2)

Theorem 3.9 The standard fuzzy intersection is the only idempotent t-norm.


  • Standard Intersection: i(a,b)=min(a,b)i(a, b) = min(a,b)
  • Algebraic Product: i(a,b)=abi(a, b) = ab
  • Bounded Difference: i(a,b)=max(0,a+b1)i(a, b) = max(0, a+b-1)
  • Drastic Intersection:

i(a,b)={aifb=1bifa=10otherwisei(a, b) = \begin{cases} a &if b = 1\\ b &if a = 1\\ 0 &otherwise \end{cases}

imin(a,b)max(0,a+b1)abmin(a,b)i_{min}(a, b) \leq max(0, a + b - 1) \leq ab \leq min(a, b)

imin(a,b)i(a,b)min(a,b)i_{min} (a, b) \leq i (a, b) \leq min (a, b)

Fuzzy Unions

(AB)(x)=u[A(x),B(x)](A \cup B)(x) = u[A(x), B(x)]


u:[0,1]×[0,1][0,1]u:[0,1] \times [0,1] \rightarrow [0,1]

Axiomatic Skeleton for Fuzzy Unions

  • Axiom u1. i(a,0)=a\texttt{Axiom u1. } i(a, 0) = a

  • Axiom u2. bd    u(a,b)u(a,d)\texttt{Axiom u2. } b \leq d \implies u (a, b) \leq u (a, d)

  • Axiom u3. u(a,b)=u(b,a)\texttt{Axiom u3. } u (a, b) = u (b, a)

  • Axiom u4. u(a,u(b,d))=u(u(a,b),d)\texttt{Axiom u4. } u (a, u (b, d)) = u (u (a, b), d)

Additional Requirements

  • Axiom u5. u\texttt{Axiom u5. }u is a continuous function
  • Axiom u6. u(a,a)a\texttt{Axiom u6. }u (a, a) \geq a
  • Axiom u7. a1<a2\texttt{Axiom u7. }a_1 < a_2 and b1<b2    u(a1,b1)<u(a2,b2)b_1 < b_2 \implies u(a_1, b_1) < u(a_2, b_2)

Theorem 3.14 The standard fuzzy union is the only idempotent t-conorm.


  • Standard Union: u(a,b)=max(a,b)u(a, b) = max(a,b)
  • Algebraic sum: u(a,b)=a+babu(a, b) = a + b - ab
  • Bounded Sum: u(a,b)=min(1,a+b)u(a, b) = min(1, a+b)
  • Drastic Union:

u(a,b)={aifb=0bifa=01otherwiseu(a, b) = \begin{cases} a &if b = 0\\ b &if a = 0\\ 1 &otherwise \end{cases}

max(a,b)u(a,b)<imax(a,b)max(a, b) \leq u(a, b) < i_{max}(a, b)

Fuzzy Arithmatic

Fuzzy Number

To qualify as a fuzzy number, a fuzzy set AA on RR must possess at least the following
three properties:

  • AA must be a normal fuzzy set
  • αA^{\alpha}A must be a closed interval α(0,1]\forall \alpha \in (0, 1]
  • the support of AA should be bounded

Linguistic Variables

Liguistic variables are represented by a quintuple - (ν,T,X,g,m)(\nu, T, X, g, m) where

  • ν\nu is the name of the variable
  • TT is the set of linguistic terms forming ν\nu\s base class
  • XX - Universe of Discourse
  • gg is a syntactic rule for generating terms
  • m(t)m(t) defines fuzzy set tT\forall t \in T

Applications: Cluster Analysis

  • The utility of fuzzy set theory in pattern recognition and cluster analysis was already recognized in the mid-1960s, and the literature dealing with fuzzy pattern recognition and fuzzy clustering is now quite extensive.

  • This is not surprising, since most categories we
    commonly encounter and employ have vague boundaries.

Three Fundamental Problems

  • Sensing Data - Representation of input data obtained by measurements on objects yet to be detected

PatternVector  a=(a1,...ar)Pattern Vector \; \mathbf{a} = (a_1, ... a_r)

  • Feature Extraction - Extraction of characteristic features

  • discrimination function - determination of decision rules


Given a finite set of data, XX, the problem of clustering in XX is to find several cluster centers that can properly characterize relevant classes of XX.

In classical cluster analysis, these classes are required to form a partition of XX such that

  • the degree of association is strong for data within blocks of the partition and
  • weak for data in different blocks

Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Method

Let X={x1,...x2}X = \{x_1, ... x_2\} be the set of real data.